by admin | May 29, 2018 | Case Study
Today's case study explains how Workforce Management Suite cleaned up an employee scheduling mess at an 18-bed group home for adults with chronic mental illness. The long-term care facility needed relief from continual employee scheduling confusion that had decreased staff morale substantially and was making it hard to keep the tranquil, therapeutic atmosphere needed by [...]
by admin | May 22, 2018 | Workforce Management Suite
Today's article is for business owners who have limited experience with data analysis, use manual timekeeping and scheduling processes, and want to use a scientific approach to better manage their workforce.Workforce Management 101 Capturing Workforce Management (WFM) data is the first step to creating a Human Capital Optimization strategy. In order to gather and manage [...]
by admin | May 15, 2018 | Case Study
Today's post describes a business that, by its very nature, demands a robust Workforce Management system. As more and more companies hire temporary contractors as part of their business strategy (as opposed to an occasional stopgap fix during a staffing emergency), savvy temp agencies can benefit from the market shift and expand and diversify. Consider [...]
by admin | May 3, 2018 | Regulatory Compliance
Owning a business after being an employee can be very worthwhile. You are the captain of the ship and can chart your course without having to answer to anyone else. When you get to the point where you need employees, however, it's vital to realize that being an employer can be involved when it comes [...]
by admin | Apr 25, 2018 | Case Study
Today's case study highlights how the owner of a small hotel achieved the competitive upper hand by implementing Workforce Management Suite. Our example organization is a 45-room hotel located on the slopes of a small ski resort. For twenty-five years, this facility and two similar-sized lodges had provided the only lodging at the small resort. [...]
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