by admin | Apr 20, 2018 | WorkforceHUB
Do you have a formal onboarding process? If you don't, you're not alone. Like most business owners, you have a lot of things on your plate. Onboarding may not seem like a priority. In many companies, it consists of a short orientation meeting followed by reams of forms for the new hire to complete. Then [...]
by admin | Apr 11, 2018 | Scheduling
The Scheduling-Productivity Connection Business owners and managers can dramatically increase productivity through smarter scheduling with TimeSimplicity from Payroll Solutions. A Job Perk For Your Employees (That Doesn't Cost You Any More) When employers respect their employees' life outside of work by delivering flexible scheduling, staff members are happier and more focused on their jobs. Flexible [...]
by admin | Apr 4, 2018 | Time Management
While labor expenses are not something that employers can completely eliminate, we have yet to encounter a business that cannot find ways to reduce them. A reduction in labor costs furnishes an immediate monetary benefit, so it's easy to measure the ROI. One reason that it's not difficult to reduce labor costs is because a [...]
by admin | Apr 3, 2018 | Scheduling
Today's post focuses on one very important feature of TimeSimplicity: the Virtual Trade Board.Filling holes in the schedule becomes much easier with the TimeSimplicity Virtual Trade Board. Instead of waiting for supervisors to circulate requests on their behalf, employees simply enter requests on the Virtual Trade Board. Managers can quickly view, check and approve shift [...]
by admin | Mar 27, 2018 | Workforce Management Suite
Some business owners with only salaried personnel often believe automated Workforce Management is only necessary for organizations with hourly employees. The object of this article is to review why this couldn't be further from the truth. Why Companies With Salaried Employees Need Workforce Management Systems 1. Compliance The alphabet soup of the various labor laws—FLSA, [...]
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