Get Ready for Secure Scheduling Mandates

Get Ready for Secure Scheduling Mandates

You may not live in a jurisdiction that has enacted predictive scheduling legislation, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't prepare for the possibility. "Fair scheduling," "secure scheduling," or "fair workweek" laws are designed to protect staff members from the uncertainty of on-call and fluid scheduling, and are being considered (and in some cases, passed) in [...]
Which Labor Law Did You Break Today?

Which Labor Law Did You Break Today?

Many employers who have been penalized for labor law violations never realized they were noncompliant. But we all know that ignorance is no excuse. Here are common FLSA violations to avoid: 1. Misclassifying EmployeesAny employer who fails to follow DOL rules regarding classification is risking significant penalties. Employee classification affects a host of things including benefits eligibility, [...]
Avoid FLSA Violations Committed By These Large Employers

Avoid FLSA Violations Committed By These Large Employers

Learning from your own mistakes is a good thing, but it's even better to learn from someone else's and avoid them altogether. Today's message is a cautionary tale listing wage and hour violations made by multi-million dollar organizations. FLSA violations committed repeatedly by large employers can rack up massive fines. Consider these settlements: Fed Ex [...]
New Employers: Avoid The Top 3 Payroll Mistakes

New Employers: Avoid The Top 3 Payroll Mistakes

Owning a business after being an employee can be very worthwhile. You are the captain of the ship and can chart your course without having to answer to anyone else. When you get to the point where you need employees, however, it's vital to realize that being an employer can be involved when it comes [...]